Capsea Yachting

Salaries of 5000 € ? Apply for a steward/ess position on yacht!

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Yacht Stewardess

Young people are attracted to jobs on luxury boats

It is known that the position of stewardess comes with many benefits. We are talking about a fabulous monthly
salary, which can reach 5,000 euros per month, but also the possibility to travel for free all over the world.
If not long ago young people crowded to get a job at prestigious airlines, now they prefer to find work on the

Flight attendant on a plane or yacht? Whichever option a young person chooses will be rewarded accordingly.
The trend has entered Romania in recent years, and there is even an academy that trains young people who want
a well-paid job on luxury boats, along with presidents of states, queens or sheikhs. Those who want such a
position must obtain a steward degree.

vrei salariu de 5000 eu aplica pentru un post de insotitor de bord pe yacht 1 0

Carmen Preda has an academy where you can prepare for the position of yacht flight attendant

“It is one of the best paid jobs in the world and does not require higher education. The salary can reach up to
5,000 euros per month. All the future steward has to do is the course and then the exam through which they will
obtain an internationally accredited diploma.” explained Carmen Preda, director of a profile academy in Romania.

Carmen herself worked aboard luxury boats The young entrepreneur has six years of experience and so the idea came
to her to make a successful business for young people in Romania.


Carmen Andreea Preda

My yacht Stewardess career started in 2009. Since then, while I have managed to remain involved in the yachting industry as a Trainer in my own business at Capsea Yachting Crew Training, it has in no way been a substitute for the glorious life at sea I left behind.

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