Yacht work is the perfect alternative for those who want to make money while traveling
Read the article in Romanian here: https://observatorconstanta.ro/2022/06/07/jobul-pe-yacht-alternativa-perfecta-pentru-cei-care-vor-sa-faca-bani-in-timp-ce-calatoresc/
Even if the temperatures keep us partying from time to time, the summer season has already started for a week, which automatically brings us to the thought of fun, events, vacations, boat trips, or yachts. Summer can, of course, involve a lot of work, especially when you live on the shores of the Black Sea and seasonal prices appear, and going out in the city is not cheap at all. For those who want to go further, in the wide world, there are several opportunities that can help them combine the useful with the pleasant and visit other continents, even young, even from 18 years, throughout the year. About the experiences and opportunities of a job on a yacht, but also about the conditions, salary, and duration of such a trip, I talked with the founder of a yachting company, Carmen Preda. She is a mentor in yachting for super yachts and mega yachts, being the only mentor for such luxury boats in Romania. Carmen has been active in the yachting industry since 2009, and since 2018 she has managed to develop a business in this field.

From the beginning of the discussion, I found out that when we talk about yachting, we are talking about a fairly wide field. Such a boat includes a minimum length scale when it comes to pleasure or sports boats, and any meter can make the difference between a simple yacht and a super-yacht. “Yachting is a very wide field, and to be called a yacht, there is a minimum scale in this regard. Specifically, 29.5 meters to be called a super-yacht. Nowadays, any luxury boat over 24 meters long is considered “explained Carmen Preda. If we talk about opportunities and jobs in this field, practicing a job on a yacht can be achieved even from the age of 18, being necessary knowledge of English, at least conversational level. In addition to the basic salary, considerable additional income can be earned. Those who choose to work on yachts can end up raising 2,000 euros a week from tips. “First of all, those who want to be at least 18 years old and know English at a conversational level, plus suitable for work. There must be a search and a desire to work in this industry. One of the benefits of this job is that you will travel around the world for free, in addition to free tickets paid for by the employer, health insurance, yacht accommodation, food, personal hygiene products, plus other bonuses. For example, on charter yachts, the tip is around € 2,000 per week. Any foreign language built an advantage, as much as professional experience in hospitality or any other known foreign language, the maritime language spoken on board being English. The courses are for any nationality, they are accredited and internationally recognized. Moreover, it provides unlimited daily job offers throughout the year “, added the founder of the yachting company. As for the training courses, those who choose to follow them do not necessarily have to take time off or days off from work in order to dedicate their time to study.

“The courses take place in an online, self-learning system, where they give themselves daily study time after their free time, no longer having to take holidays or days off for study. To complete a yachting training course, it takes about 8 hours of study per day for 5 days. After completing it, all students will take an online exam, and then we will meet online – live on the platform “After graduating the course will receive jobs for an indefinite period where they will choose where and when they want to go,” he said. said Carmen Preda. The courses are taught in English, and what is surprising is that those who want to work on yachts do not have to know how to swim. Students also receive free counseling, both during their studies and after graduation.
Although a job on such a yacht is very attractive, especially for the youngest applicants, as in any job, there is a trade-off, and in this case, the price paid is the time spent away from family and loved ones. But there are also options for those who do not last long at sea, away from home. „The types of yacht contracts can be: day worker (daily payment for 8 hours with lunch included between 80-400 € / day); freelancer (for a few weeks); few months; rotational (2 months on with 2 months off, 2 months on with one month off, 3 months on with 1 month off, 5 months on with one month off, 4 months on with 2 months off); seasonal (March-November in Europe); permanent (one year with an extra month of paid vacation); Shipyard contract; Private yacht contract; Charter yacht contract; Motor yacht contract; Sailing Yacht contract; Explorer yacht contract. Salaries start at € 2500 per month. The jobs are international and can be in any corner of the world “, explained Carmen Preda.
What functions are there on a yacht?
The number of existing departments on a yacht is surprisingly large, so there are enough jobs that those who want to can experience until they find out what they really like to do. From steward to cook to beautician or even hairdresser. The most ambitious and hardworking can also have a dual function, which means more interaction with customers, who can often be international celebrities, business people, and other important personalities. Working for the richest people in the world, other job opportunities may arise, says Carmen Preda, but most choose to build a career in the maritime field or even open businesses in Romania or other countries.
“As the yacht is bigger, we will have more guests and more employees on board. In a yacht, employees must be prepared to work for the richest people in the world: international stars, businessmen, princes, sheiks, kings, etc. There are various functions on the yacht, such as Chief Officer, 2nd Officer, 3rd Officer, Bosun, ETO (electrical technical officer), OOW (officer of the watch), Lead Deckhand, Executive Chef, Pastry Chef, Sous Chef, Head Chef, Cook, Crew Cook, Chief Stewardess, Head of Housekeeping, Head of Service, 3rd Steward/ess, 2nd Steward/ess, Senior Steward/ess, double position (Steward/ess / Cook, Steward/ess / Deckhand, Deckhand / Dive Instructor, Steward/ess / Masseuse, Spa Stewardess, Beautician / Stewardess, Cosmetician / Stewardess, Hairdresser / Stewardess “, said the founder of the yachting company.
Those who work on yachts initially live with another colleague of the same sex in the cabin, until they reach a management position, when they get to have their own cabin. At the same time, there are positions for couples aboard yachts. As in any field, there are a lot of ambitious employees who want to promote quickly, to outdo themselves, and of course, to earn better. “You can advance in position very easily through experience and certificates/courses unless you obviously want to. Salaries are even over € 6,000 per month, depending on each department, in part, as well as the length of the yacht “, says Carmen Preda.

A famous quote says: “When you work, play. Work, if it’s just a debt, kills you. ” Carmen’s smile tells us that she managed to do that, to combine work with passion and why not, with play. It certainly inspires a lot of other young people who want to build a future by combining travel with work.